Gary V Powell

Gary V PowellGary V. Powell, a former lawyer, is the author of prize-winning poetry and short fiction. He lives with his beautiful wife and two intrepid dogs near the shores of lovely Lake Norman, North Carolina. His chapbook, Super Blood Wolf Moon, won Kallisto aia Press's 2020 Contemporary Poetry Prize. His poem "5 AM," which appears in Kakalak 2022 (Moonshine Review Press) received a nomination for a Pushcart Prize. His poem, "On the Night of Your Deployment," was recently elected as a runner-up for the Gregory O'Donoghue International Poetry Competition and is forthcoming in Southword in 2023. Mr. Powell's short fiction has also been nominated for a Pushcart Prize as well as the O'Henry Prize. A 2023 deGroot Foundation Writer of Note, winner of the 2022 Press 53/Prime Number short fiction prize, and a finalist or honorable mention (twice for the Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize) for numerous other fiction awards, his work appears or is forthcoming in Carvezine, The Thomas Wolfe Review, The North Carolina Literary Review, Ocotillo Review, Prime Number, Atticus Review, Smokelong Quarterly, Best New Writing 2015, and Sleep is a Beautiful Color: the 2017 National Flash Fiction Day Anthology. Read More Read Less

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