Gary Lamberti

Gary LambertiDr. Gary A. Lamberti is Professor of Biological Sciences and Director of the Stream and Wetland Ecology Laboratory (SWEL) at the University of Notre Dame, where he teaches Biostatistics, Stream Ecology, Restoration Ecology, and a variety of topical gaduate courses. His major research interests include (1) food web ecology of streams and wetlands, ranging from microbes to fish; (2) the ecology of native and introduced Pacific salmon; and (3) the impacts of climate change, toxins, and invasive species on aquatic ecosystem function. He retains a fundamental love for aquatic invertebrates, which permeates all of his research. He has also successfully advised 27 M.S. and Ph.D. students to completion and countless undergraduates have conducted research in his laboratory. Dr. Lamberti has over 175 publications dealing with various aspects of aquatic ecology, and has co-edited the Elsevier book entitled Methods in Stream Ecology, now in its 3rd edition. At Notre Dame, he also directs the GLOBES Graduate Certificate Program in Environment and Society. Dr. Lamberti is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and past-President of the Society for Freshwater Science, an international society of aquatic ecologists. Read More Read Less

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Methods in Stream Ecology, Two Volume Set10 % NR
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Methods in Stream Ecology13 % NR
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