Gary D Rappaport

Gary D RappaportGARY D. RAPPAPORT, CRRP, CRX, CMD, CSM, CLS, CDP is chief executive officer of RAPPAPORT, a retail real estate company he founded in 1984. RAPPAPORT stands among the shopping center industry's preeminent private owners and operators of open-ai shopping centers providing leasing, tenant representation, management and development services for more than 15 million square feet of retail space throughout the mid-Atlantic region. Mr. Rappaport is a former trustee and chairman of the board of trustees for the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). He authored the first, second, and third editions of Investing in Retail Properties, which explain how to structure real estate partnerships for sharing capital appreciation and cash flow that has been used since 2011 as a guide by other commercial real estate entrepreneurs. Mr. Rappaport is a guest lecturer and regularly teaches classes at several universities, such as the University of Michigan, Syracuse, Johns Hopkins, and Georgetown. Read More Read Less

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