Gandy Kalid Kachucha

Gandy Kalid KachuchaMy name is Gandy Kalid Kachucha, I was born on the 29th day of August 1973 in Baghdad, Iraq. My extraordinary life began at the age of three when Yahweh had awoken me after death and thus began my new life. From Baghdad, my family and I moved to Greee, Athens for a few years and we finally migrated to the United States of America in 1979 (Detroit, Michigan). My path through life was difficult, my dreams of the future were fantastic, my love for Yahweh was out of this world and my best friend for eternity is His son YaHshua. I grew up a hectic life, yet managed to remain on the path of truth and love. I became an IT professional more than 30 years ago and learned many other trades during my life. I have two wonderful children; Xander and Lexi who are Yahweh sent. My destiny is to help as many people as I can on this Earth and to spread the truth to whomever is willing to listen and gain knowledge to pass along to others. Yahweh has blessed everyone who loves, who can endure the sacrifice and believe in his son Esho who came to us as flesh and blood and died for our sins. My story is true, my experiences are real, my love is truly faithful and my path is His Word with Love. Read More Read Less

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