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Gabrielle de Courten Myers

Gabrielle de Courten MyersGabrielle de Courten Myers, M.D. is from an old Swiss-French stock and has spent much of her adult life in the United States. Before retirement, she had served as Professor of Neuropathology at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio as researcher, teache and diagnostician. Being knowledgeable about her ancestors reaching far back, she since focused on finding facts about six of her namesake-foremothers. She then took these "skeletons" and wove them into an often-heartbreaking novel. She also provides a glimpse into how a long chain of successive generations influence the next with their life experience and pass on what they, as mothers and grandmothers, deem essential. Read More Read Less

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GABRIELLE A Historical Fiction Novel of Six Consecutive Granddaughters16 % NR
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30 Aug 2023
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