Gabriella A Dent

Gabriella A DentHello, my name is Gabriella Dent, a mother of three sons and a goddaughter whom I consider as the daughter God blessed me with. I was born in St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands, and later resided in beautiful South Florida. My passion for writin began over 20 years ago. I started journaling, and writing poetry, which I won a beginners poetry award in 2000 through Later, I began assisting local churches, and small groups by writing short skits and plays for their youth and community programs. Over the last year and a half I began to evolve and expand my writing to help others in a different avenue. I began writing about my own hurt as an abused woman. I felt that my story can help others heal after the pain of abuse physically, mentally, and spiritually. This is my first book titled "Heeled Hearts, You are Not Alone". I am excited to share this with you all. I enjoy helping others and feel that this book will help someone to use their hurt as a stepping stone to living a healthy productive life, and releasing the pain they carry. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science, Certification in Cosmetology license, Nursing Assistant, and CLFC (Creating Lasting Families Connection) Certificate. I am also certified as an RBT and MHT. Thank you for your support. Read More Read Less

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Heeled Hearts11 % NR
Publisher: Nextone Inc
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09 Jan 2024
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