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G E Newbegin

G E NewbeginG.E. Newbegin is an author of science fiction and fantasy, with a bent towards horror. He currently resides in Melbourne, Australia, with his wife and two children. Pyramidion is his debut novel, with future works planned in the same urban fantasy unverse. He is currently working on a science fiction novel targeted for release in 2022. When not banging his head against a keyboard, G.E. Newbegin enjoys video games and testing the depths of YouTube. He also enjoys extreme metal music, and thinks you should too. He can be found on Twitter @madcapsules, and on Facebook @GENewbegin. You can also find advice about self-publication via his website (, where you can sign up for his newsletter. A free short story set in the world of Pyramidion will be offered towards the end of 2021. Read More Read Less

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30 May 2021
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