G C Depietro

G C DepietroFifteen years of research has uncovered the subconscious memories of De Pietro's past lives. The concept of reincarnation though not new is the liberating knowledge that you don't die as a punishment but rather you die only to be reborn with new knowedge acquired from the life lived before. Each new life is the fulfillment of wishes and dreams unfinished, waiting to play itself out on the world stage. Our souls are constantly looking to refine our state of existence yearning to reunite with the source from which we came thus fulfilling our destiny to be one with all there is.After working for years in residential mental health facilities, with troubled children abandoned and abused by their families De Pietro needed to know why seemingly innocent children were born into such dire circumstances. This unsettling realization of the injustices of the world drove her to seek answers. That is when she found the inspirational teacher Dr. Roger J. Woolger 1944 - 2011. Dr. Woolger the Jungian analyst who bridged the gap between psychoanalytic theory and the metaphysical world of reincarnation developed a method he called Deep Memory Process(R). After studying with Dr. Woolger, De Pietro understood that each past life remembered helped unlock the pearls of wisdom gained during that lifetime, transforming this knowledge into insight and healing. It is here in the forgiving of our transgressions that we remove the lower frequencies of fear and hatred one layer at a time until we are left with only love, forgiveness and understanding.If you only have time to read one book this year pick up a copy of A Soul's Journey your spirit will thank you. Read More Read Less

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Soul's Journey27 % NR
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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17 May 2023
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Un Viaggio Dell'Anima27 % NR
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