Frida Stewart

Frida StewartAngela Jackson Biographical Note Angela Jackson's research for her doctoral thesis included many interviews with women, including Frida Stewart, who had been involved with the civil war in Spain. These formed the basis for her book, British Women andthe Spanish Civil War, and for a novel, Warm Earth, which fictionalises some of the women she met and their true stories. In 2001, after moving to the Priorat in Catalonia where she lived for fifteen years, Angela became a founder member and President of No Jubilem la Memòria, an association for the recovery of events and memories of the civil war in the region. Further books followed, exploring the interactions between local villagers and the International Brigaders who were stationed in the area for many weeks before the Battle of the Ebro. The letters between civil war nurse Patience Darton and the International Brigader Robert Aaquist inspired Angela to write a full and moving biography of Patience entitled 'For us it was heaven'. The publication of Firing a Shot for Freedom has at last brought about the fulfilment of a project Angela shared with Frida in the months before her death in 1996. Read More Read Less

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