Freddie Kelvin

Freddie KelvinFreddie Kelvin, the only son of Ernst and Ida Kohut, was born in England after they had narrowly escaped from Nazi-held Austria. He grew up in a strictly protective Jewish community. He rebelled against this by changing his last name to Kelvin and dimissing any connection to Jewish society. Moving to London to study medicine, he found himself tossed around in new communities with a precarious loss of identity. Training in so many unfamiliar surroundings, he felt lost, rootless and disconnected. Almost no one knew that he was Jewish. He married the first of his two Christian wives in a church, leading to feelings of guilt about betraying his heritage. Reluctant to drag his tail back to the industrialized north of England, he emigrated to the United States. Later on, he took courses in creative writing and became a passionate photographer. This led to a life-changing epiphany, for he realized that his heart truly lay in the arts. Better late than never! He traveled abroad widely, experiencing many different cultures. These nomadic experiences, while always tinged with excitement, were confusing. Identity change is a complicated business, and always poses the questions: "Who are we and where do we belong?" Ultimately, try as you may, you cannot entirely escape your roots. Freddie's story is part memoir and part a unique perspective on religion, culture and history. After many visits to Israel, he slowly developed a sense of pride in his Jewish background. Inspired by the wanderings of both his parents and himself, he developed an urge to write his memoir, and so Urban Nomad was born and became his baby. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Freddie Kelvin
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15 Aug 2022
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