Fred Mayfield

Fred MayfieldFred Mayfield was born and raised in Texas and lives on five acres there, where he has always loved working on his tractor and taking care of a horse, miniature donkey, goats, parrots, and too many dogs to count. He has spent most of his career in th oilfield as a consultant and in quality management of globally known manufacturers. His expertise has always been in writing procedures and implementing them to improve the quality of products while keeping employees safe. Just One Guy's Stories is a book that reflects on times that one guy has shared with the world. Everyone has memories of things that happened to them in life, some good and some not so-good. When we reflect on our lives, I believe we all seem to remember the things that made us laugh or cry. Some are silly, and some are sad, but the memories all last a lifetime. As I was writing these stories, I could see myself living through the different experiences in my life and would remember how I actually felt. No matter who you are or where you're from, we all have had similar experiences and stories that we never forget. I hope everyone who reads my stories will reflect on their own lives and what they've experienced. Everyone has stories throughout their lives; I hope you enjoy mine. Read More Read Less

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