François Massol

François MassolFrançois Massol is a researcher at the CNRS in the team "Evolution & Ecology" of the unit "Evolution, Ecology and Paleontology" at the University of Lille. He graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique (2002) and then obtained a PhD in ecology and evolutonary biology at the University of Montpellier (2008). After a post-doc at the University of Texas, he became a permanent researcher at the CNRS in Montpellier (2012) and then Lille (2014). His research covers the study of spatial dynamics of interspecific interactions and of diversification at intra- and inter-specific levels, mostly from a theoretical viewpoint. More generally, he is interested in evolutionary ecology questions pertaining to species interaction networks, spatially structured ecological systems, and the diversity and stability of these systems. He also regularly participates in interdisciplinary projects with researchers from mathematics, computer science, physics and social sciences, in particular on questions related to modeling and statistically analyzing contact and interaction networks. Read More Read Less

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