Franki Demerle

Franki DemerleFranki deMerle is an American author who has published three collections of poetry before this one (Ripples on the Surface, Child of the Universe, and A Call to Contemplation) and three novels. Her poetry collections, including An Unconditional Momen, together with total of 977 poems. She was originally published in numerous anthologies by The National Library of Poetry, including one which also included poetry by her mother.She began writing poetry as a teenager but didn't attempt to write a novel until she was in her 50s. Her published novels are: Deception Past, a reincarnation novel set mostly in the southeastern United States; Dragonfly Dreams, about a recently retired Army officer and a woman escaping from domestic abuse, which mostly takes place in the United States Pacific Northwest; and Five Flowers, a historical reincarnation novel spanning fi ve centuries in which fi ve women (each one represented by a different flower) reincarnate as historical figures (in their third incarnation together, anagrams are used instead of the real names due to the nature of the actual characters). She has been a featured author with the Independent Author Network and has previously published through KatMoran Publications.Franki deMerle was born in Memphis, Tennessee, in the early 1950s, and grew up in Huntsville, Alabama, during the Civil Rights Movement and the original manned spaceflight program. She studied ornamental horticulture in college. She has worked as a professional musician and as a civilian for the United States Army. She was president of the Huntsville, Alabama, Classic Guitar Society, and performed on guitar and sitar in North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas, and Washington. She was a founding member of The Build the Dream Foundation, which was responsible for the building of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial in Washington, DC.deMerle likes to garden at home in the Pacific Northwest. She shares a house with a cat, parakeets, and her sister, a classical pianist. Together they removed their front lawn and created a pollinator garden in its place for bees, butterflies, and the hummingbirds that winter over in their maple tree. Her DNA comes from the Scottish Highlands, and she also currently enjoys playing the Celtic harp, reading, and knitting. Read More Read Less

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Unconditional Moment
Publisher: Best Books Media
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15 Oct 2021
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Unconditional Moment
Publisher: Best Books Media
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15 Oct 2021
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