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Frank Michael Oliva

Frank Michael OlivaA native of Long Island, New York, Frank Michael Oliva is a practicing attorney and law professor who writes character-driven horror and thriller novels. His love of the written word was inspired at a young age by his exposure to classic literature i elementary school, including novels such as the "Lord of the Flies" and "The Catcher in the Rye." He was later drawn to the horror and thriller genres after viewing William Friedkin's film adaptation of William Peter Blatty's horror novel "The Exorcist," which demonstrated the use of horror as a powerful lens for examining the human condition. Frank's interest in writing was further solidified through his relationship with one of the priests at his local parish, a former English teacher and writer. Their philosophical conversations about writing, life and death, and the nature of good and evil left a lasting impression on Frank and inspired him to write his debut suspense thriller, "Walking Among the Trees," more than two decades later. A busy attorney with twin children, Frank wrote Walking Among the Trees over the course of four years by writing on the train to and from work, late at night, or on the weekends while his young children were sleeping. In lieu of a direct sequel, Frank is currently working on a new thriller set in the same universe and later plans on trying his hand at a science fiction novel based on an idea that occurred to him during the Covid-19 pandemic. Aside from his interest in reading and writing, Frank loves to play video games, watch movies, and spend time with his wife and twin children. He also has a cat named Lola. Read More Read Less

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