Francois Screve

Francois ScreveFrancois Screve is the founder of Deltaway Energy, Inc, San Francisco. He has 20 years of experience in the municipal solid waste-to-energy plant design and operation field with six years in Europe, 12 years in the USA, and two years in Asia. Francoi holds mechanical engineering and MBA degrees, as well as a WTE chief operator certificate from the ASME/EPA in the USA. He managed the Long Beach Steinmuller 1,400 TPD waste-to-energy facility in California and was responsible for the operation of the 4,200 TPD refuse-derived fuel facility of Miami-Dade County, Florida, one of the largest facilities in the world. He was vice president for Onyx, a subsidiary of Vivendi Environnement, overseeing the operation of eight facilities and the design of three new plants in Asia. He received his an MBA from INSA Lille and his Mechanical, Electrical Engineering MS from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers. Read More Read Less

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