Franco Varone

Franco VaroneWith a Master's degree in Computer Engineering and a two-decades career in microelectronics company in research and development, Franco Varone contributed in the data and communication security with many projects for industries around the world, stanardization, project management and 17 patented inventions, which got important recognitions. During his career as a high-tech engineer, he got passionate to the topic of self-improvement, to the point that he decided to earn a certification as Life Coach and to start a practice to help brilliant people to get their full potential, which then became Divorce Road, to focus on successful people, mainly men, but not only, to reclaim their worth from ungrateful spouses. Franco had to fight 3 post-divorce (or, more precisely, post-judgement) legal battles, one of which was a criminal case moved against him. He came out clean from all these fights and got the reliefs he asked for in 2 of said battles. Check out Franco's work at and Read More Read Less

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