Francesco GiustiFrancesco Giusti is Career Development Fellow and Tutor in Italian at Christ Church, University of Oxford. Previously he held fellowships at the University of York, the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, and the ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Iquiry. He has published two books devoted respectively to the ethics of mourning and to creative desire in lyric poetry: Canzonieri in morte. Per un'etica poetica del lutto (2015) and Il desiderio della lirica. Poesia, creazione, conoscenza (2016). He co-edited, with Christine Ott and Damiano Frasca, the volume Poesia e nuovi media (2018); with Benjamin Lewis Robinson, The Work of World Literature (2021); and with Adele Bardazzi and Emanuela Tandello, A Gaping Wound: Mourning in Italian Poetry (2022). Read More Read Less
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