Francesco Carlo MorabitoDr. Francesco Carlo Morabito Ph.D was born in Italy and educated in Europe. He earned the "Laurea" Degree (Summa cum laude) from the University of Napoli (Italy) and he began his career as a Research Associate at Selenia SpA, Rome, (Radar Department) He joined the University of Reggio Calabria, Italy, as research associate, then becoming Associate Professor and Full Professor of Electrical Engineering. He served as Chair of the Electronic Engineering Course and of the Industrial Engineering Course, as member of the University's Inner Evaluation Committee, as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, member of the Bylaws Committee, and serves now as Deputy Rector and Vice-Rector for Internationalization. He also taught at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (Ph.D. level), University of Naples, University of Messina, and University of Cosenza. He was a selected teacher at the Italian School of Doctorate in Electrical Engineering. Visiting Researcher Max-Planck Institute fuer Plasmaphysiks Munich, Germany. He is author/co-author of 300+ papers on international journals/conferences, 20 book chapters; and editor/co-editor of 10 international books, as well as Guest Editor for two special Issues of Neural Networks and IEEE Sensors. He is a Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Doctors, Barcelona, Spain; Gold Medal "Henry Coanda", Rumanian Academy for Researches in Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Iasi, Rumania; President of the Italian Society of Neural Networks (SIREN). Positions held within INNS: Member of the Board of Governors; Secretary; Member of the Board of Governors; Chair of the Nomination Committee; Plenary Chair at IJCNN 2015; Tutorial Chair in many Editions of IJCNN. Senior Member of IEEE and INNS. Italian Representative in AMSE, SIGEF. Delegate for European University Association (EUA). He holds three patents. He founded the University Spin-Off "Neuratek" in 2005. Associate Editor of Neural Networks (Elsevier); Int. J. of Neural Systems; Editorial Board Member for: Renewable Energy (Elsevier); Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing; Recent Patents in Computer Science; Intl. Journal of Computers, Signals and Systems; Fuzzy Economy Review; Micro- and Nano-Sensing Journal, Intl. Journal of Information Acquisition. Read More Read Less