Fox MikeMike Fox is a person with many talents and wears many hats! (Many times at the same time!) He and his wife, Trisha, along with their extremely bright, beautiful and talented daughter, Arianna are located in the Delaware valley. Mike and his wife alsoare owners of a successful Design, Branding and Creative business called Splash Designworks that produce a range of creative deliverables from website design to radio and video commercials, to logos, to brochures, to Branding & Marketing strategies for business, organizations, churches and ministries. They are active in The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce (CDCC), The Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce of Delaware (MACCDE), Greater Milford Chamber of Commerce (CCGM), an official organizer for the 1 Million Cups Entrepreneur Program, active in the PRO Entrepreneur program in Milford and active and excited members of the Master Networks. The Foxes have conducted numerous Small Business Workshops from New Castle County to Dover, Delaware. Splash has partnered with The Downtown Dover Partnership in conducting Business Workshops & Conferences to help small, medium and large business in being effective, successful and aware of the dynamics of Branding, Design, Marketing & Website related strategies. Mike has also received numerous accolades for his professional work from across the United States, including a recent double prestigious award from the Delaware Press Association. Everywhere you see the Delaware Small Business Chamber's logo, you'll see Mike's design work, for out of 60 design companies' submissions, Splash won the logo design for the Chamber itself. Locally, Mike has assisted in teaching young adults class Introduction to Mass Communication, Delaware State University. He is also a Module Teacher and Instructor for a Non-Profit Delaware based At-Risk Youth program entitled, Next Generation of Leaders, headed by Karen Hutchins - to which Mike also designed the entire Branding which includes everything from its professional Logo, website, Radio Commercial Ad, Brochures and non-profit marketing materials. He has national production work as being a Post-Production Manager for a Florida based Media Company's Block Starz, The Black-O-Scope. You can find Mike on IMDB and practically everywhere. On a side note, Mike and his wife are also Certified Marriage Coaches, published book authors, conference and workshop speakers, have been Philadelphia Marriage Examiner Columnists, and aim to assist business both local and abroad into being successful. He and his wife focus on their increasingly growing ad and design agency. Mike, Trisha & Arianna Fox SPLASH DESIGNWORKS http: // (302) 399-7851 Read More Read Less