Florent Poux

Florent PouxFlorent Poux is an esteemed authority in the field of 3D data science. He teaches and conducts research for top EU Universities. He is also the Head Professor of the 3D Geodata Academy and Innovation Director for FrenchTech120 Companies. With a decad of experience, Florent's expertise in Python and its applications to 3D data is unrivaled. His groundbreaking research and real-world contributions have garnered acclaim in academia and industries with several awards. His unique journey merges a deep academic perspective with a pragmatic view of creating innovative 3D products and solutions. Whether you're a coder, data scientist, engineer, or curious researcher, Florent's insights will propel you toward new frontiers and exciting opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. Read More Read Less

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3D Data Science with Python31 % NR
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
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01 Apr 2025
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