Florence WeinbergerFlorence Weinberger was born in New York City, raised in the Bronx, educated at Hunter College, California State University Northridge and UCLA, and has worked as a teacher, legal investigator and consumer advocate. She has published five books of potry: The Invisible Telling Its Shape (Fithian Press, 1997), BREATHING LIKE A JEW (Chicory Blue Press, 1997), Carnal Fragrance (Red Hen Press, 2004), SACRED GRAFFITI (Tebot Bach, 2011), and GHOST TATTOO (Tebot Bach, 2018). Twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize, her poetry has been published in numerous literary magazines, including Another Chicago Magazine, Antietam Review, The Comstock Review, The Pedestal, Solo, Rattle, SPILLWAY, and anthologies such as Family Reunion: Poems About Parenting Grown Children, So Luminous the Wildflowers, Images from the Holocaust, and Lifecycles: Jewish Women on Biblical Themes in Contemporary Life. Among awards are first prizes in the Poetry/LA Bicentennial, Sculpture Gardens Review, Mississippi Valley, Red Dancefloor and the dA Center for the Arts poetry contests. Read More Read Less