Fletcher Pratt"The Onslaught from Rigel" is a compelling science fiction novel authored by Fletcher Pratt. This famous novel transports reader to a future where Earth is threatened through an approaching extraterrestrial invasion. The narrative opens with a devastting attack on Earth by an intelligent alien civilisation hailing from the Rigel solar system. The Rigelians, armed with superior technology and overwhelming might, indicate an important danger to humanity's very existence. As a result, nations all across the globe have banded together to address this unprecedented issue. Fletcher Pratt's story deftly combines aspects of military science fiction, political intrigue, and social critique. The story of the book digs into the intricacies of international cooperation in addition to the tenacity of human creativity in the face of an existential threat. Readers are introduced to a wide group of people, including scientists, military leaders, and diplomats, who must work together to devise novel methods and defenses against an alien invasion. "The Onslaught from Rigel" exemplifies the continuing attraction of early twentieth-century science fiction. Read More Read Less
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