Felix Frank Felix Frank Felix has used and programmed computers for most of his life. Duringand after working on his computer science diploma, he gained experience on thejob as a systems administrator, server operator, and open source software developer.He spent6 years of his 11-year career as a Puppet power user. In parallel, he spentabout two years intensifying his studies through ongoing source code contributionsand active participation in several conferences.Martin AlfkeMartin is a co-founder and CEO of example42 GmbH. He is a Puppet andautomation enthusiast since 2007. In the past, he would have said he is a "systemadministrator". Nowadays, he likes the term "infrastructure engineer". The bigdifference is that system administrators sshs into systems to fix them, whereasinfrastructure engineers fix their automation.Martin is serving as a Puppet Labs' training partner in Germany since 2011, conducting official Puppet training. In his spare time, he likes reading booksand visiting interesting locations.Alessandro Franceschi Alessandro is a long time Puppet user, trainer, and consultant.He started using Puppet in 2007, automating a remarkable amount of customers'infrastructures of different sizes, natures, and complexities.He has attended several PuppetConf and PuppetCamps as both speaker andparticipant, always enjoying the vibrant and friendly community, each timelearning something new.Over the years, he started to publish his Puppet code, trying to make it reusable indifferent scenarios. The result of this work is the example42 Puppet modules andcontrol repo, complete, feature rich, sample Puppet environment. You can read aboutexample42 at www.example42.com.You can follow Franceschi on his Twitter account at @alvagante.Jaime Soriano Pastor Jaime was born in Teruel, a small city in Spain. He has alwaysbeen passionate about technology and sciences. While studying computer scienceat the university in his hometown, he had his first encounter with Linux and freesoftware, which is what shaped his career.He worked for several companies on different and interesting projects, fromoperating systems in embedded devices to the cloud, giving him a wide viewon several fields of software development and systems administration.Currently, automation, configuration management, and continuous integration forma part of his daily work in the SRE team at Tuenti Technologies.Thomas UphillThomas a long-time user of Puppet. He has presented Puppet tutorials at LOPSA-East, Cascada, and PuppetConf. He has also been a system administrator for over 20 years, working primarily with RedHat systems; he is currently a RedHat Certified Architect (RHCA). When not running the Puppet User Group of Seattle (PUGS), he volunteers for the LOPSA board and his local LOPSA chapter, SASAG. He blogs at http Read More Read Less