Farnaz N Reneker

Farnaz N RenekerA seeker and creator at heart, Farnaz N. Reneker was drawn into the world of visual arts and music as a child. She eventually pursued an education in architecture, where she became engrossed in the study of sacred geometry, the built structures of anient civilizations, and the art and architecture of the Renaissance. She began a deep dive into metaphysics in the year 2000, but didn't fully explore its depths until a few years later, when her professional career as an architect led her to Los Angeles. The magic of living near the Pacific Ocean catapulted Farnaz's spiritual journey, which has since evolved into studying the ways of the ancient oracles, priestesses, and healers, while exploring her innate and intuitive gifts. From channeling divine inspiration through painting and prose to working with individuals or groups, her passion is to facilitate the awakening of the deep wisdom that has always been within all of us. www.thelovefrequency.org Read More Read Less

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Wisdom of the Wild Ones27 % NR
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09 Sep 2022
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Love Frequency30 % NR
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05 May 2021
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