Faiz Shaikh

Faiz ShaikhFaiz?Shaikh?is an Associate Professor in the School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering of Curtin University, Australia. His research focus is on the development of sustainable binders by incorporating high-volume fractions of industrial by-products s partial replacement of OPC and nano and ultrafine materials, use of recycled aggregates in sustainable concrete, mechanical characterization of ductile?fiber-reinforced cement and geopolymer composites, ?behavior?of geopolymer composite in fire and natural?fiber-reinforced composites.?He is a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng.) in Australia, a fellow of Engineers Australia (FIEAust), and a member of the Concrete Institute of Australia. He has supervised 6 PhD and 2 MPhil students and is currently supervising 5 PhD students. Prof. Shaikh has authored and co-authored 182 technical publications, including one book by Springer, six book chapters, 128 reviewed journal papers, and 47 reviewed conference papers. He also holds an h-index of 38 and 3,970 total citations according to Google scholar. He has also been awarded an A$2.17M competitive grant by various research organizations and industries, including the Australian Research Council (ARC), the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), the Waste Authority of Western Australia, and?the Tyre?Stewardship Australia, etc. Read More Read Less

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High Performance Natural Fiber-Nanoclay Reinforced Cement Nanocomposites37 %
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02 May 2017
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Recent Advances in Nano-Tailored Multi-Functional Cementitious Composites16 % NR
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