Ezekiel J KrahlinZeke Krahlin has been a freelance gay street activist since 1983, here in San Francisco. After so many years befriending and assisting (as best he can in spite of his own limited funds, being disabled himself), he now has many fantastic true tales toshare with the world.This novel is his first official paper and ebook publication, though you can read a plethora of additional tales at his web site, "Final Testament" (or "Faggot Bible") here: http: //gay-bible.orgWhile not officially recognized (yet) as a dedicated gay activist with extensive history in "Gay Mecca," his record of achievements (as evidenced on his web site, blog, and numerous admirers in the Castro and beyond) will set the record "straight" some time in the very near future.Mr. Krahlin--through his writing and dedication to his homeless gay brothers over three or more decades--will soon earn great appreciation and devotion on both a local and global level. At least, that is his claim...and he is willing to bet $5 with anyone who cares to challenge such a brazen declaration. Read More Read Less
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