Everett Jenne

Everett JenneDr. Everett Jenne has served on the committee of the National Academy of Sciences and as president of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, and has also held adjunct appointments at the University of Washington and Stanford Universit. Dr. Jenne is best known for his role in establishing the major role of hydrous oxides, particularly iron, as controls on the solute concentration of transition series metals and other trace elements in soils and sediments and for his efforts in the development and application of geochemical models competent to handle speciation, adsorption, solubility, and mass transfer of major and minor trace elements, including radionuclides, in a wide range of waters. Prior to his retirement in 1995, Dr. Jenne was involved for a number of years in geochemical and acid-rain related watershed modeling at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Simultaneously, he undertook a systematic review of adsorption/desorption data. During this period he also became interested of the rates of dissolution of Al and Si oxides, particularly the amorphic varieties, under both acidic and basic conditions. Read More Read Less

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Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia43 %
Publisher: Academic Press
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30 Mar 1998
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