Eva GolingerEva Golinger is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College (1994) and CUNY Law School (2003), and the author of six non-fiction books including The Chavez Code, a best seller in Latin America and published in eight languages around the world (English, Spansh, French, German, Italian, Russian, Turkish and Farsi). Approximately 500,000 copies of The Chavez Code were sold and distributed worldwide. Her work has been extensively covered by The New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsday, The Chicago Tribune, Reuters, AP, The International Herald Tribune, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times and other major media around the world. She practices law in New York, specializing in immigration and international law. She lived in Venezuela for 12 years and counseled several Presidents, Foreign Ministers and senior officials in Latin America and was an Advisor to former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez for nearly a decade. Eva has over 546,000 followers on Twitter (@evagolinger), more than 68,500 on Facebook and over 15,000 on Instagram. Read More Read Less