Eulalia Piñero Gil

Eulalia Piñero GilEulalia Piñero Gil is Associate Professor in American Literature and Gender Studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Currently, she is President of the Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS), and has also been a member of the Board ofthe European Association for American Studies (EAAS). She has received a master's scholarship to study Comparative Literature at Purdue University, a doctoral grant to research the archive of the American poet Marianne Moore at the Rosenbach in Philadelphia, and two postgraduate scholarships from the Canadian Government to research Canadian women's poetry at Toronto University. Piñero Gil has published extensively on the American Renaissance, women's literature, music and literature and American theater. Notably, she has co-edited several works including Visions of Canada Approaching the Millennium (1999), Voices and Images of Women in 20th Century Theater. Anglo-American Women Playwrights (2002), Women and Art: Visions of Change and Social Development (2010, ) and Breaking a Sea of Silence: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Gender Violence (2013). She is also the author of the critical edition Extraordinary Narrations by E. A. Poe (1999), and the translation and critical edition of Herman Melville's Bartleby, the Scrivener (Espasa Calpe, 2006). In 2012, she translated and edited Kate Chopin's The Awakening (Cátedra, 2012), and John Dos Passos's A Pushcart at the Curb, Invierno en Castilla (Renacimiento) in 2018. Read More Read Less

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