Eugenio Mocchegiani

Eugenio MocchegianiDr. Eugenio Mocchegiani has 40 years expertise as researcher at INRCA, The Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Aging. For the past 10 years, he has been the Head of the Centre of Nutrition and Aging at INRCA. His field of research conerns the role of endocrine and nutritional factors in immunosenescence, tumurs, infectious diseases, metabolic diseases and dementia. More specifically, he has contributed to advance knowledge on zinc binding proteins as genetic and biological markers of aging. Dr. Mocchegiani has received several grants from the Italian Ministry of Health for studies around micronutrients and aging. Additionally, he was coordinator of the EU Project ZINCAGE in the FP6 program, and as Operative Unit in the EU project MARK-AGE in the FP7 program. Dr. Mocchegiani has authored or co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed articles in the field of nutrition and gerontology and is a member of the editorial board of several journals dedicated to these thematic areas. Read More Read Less

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Trace Elements and Minerals in Health and Longevity37 %
Publisher: Springer
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23 Nov 2018
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