Errol A GibbsErrol and Marjorie Gibbs are avid readers, self-inspired researchers, and writers. They are Canadians citizens who reside in Milton, Ontario. Religious, scientific, educational, philosophical, and humanitarian pursuits highlight their work. Multigeneational family life, nurturing children, community, business, and corporate experience underpin their quest to inspire happiness in others through their seminal work Discovering Your Optimum Happiness Index (OHI). Marjorie and Errol have had the privilege of combined global travel on four continents such as Africa, Europe, North America, and Oceania in approximately twelve countries, twenty-four states, and about one hundred cities, towns, and villages over several decades. Global travel afforded the writers a panoramic view of the human landscape to observe how people in various parts of the world experience happiness and unhappiness, co-existing in a cultural mix of plenty (wealth) and scarcity (poverty). Their observation was the same in every culture -the need for love, peace, hope, happiness, and Joy resonated in people's lives. Marjorie and Errol live Optimum Happy lives. Optimum Happiness (OH) does not imply that they have great wealth, live in a mansion, drive exotic automobiles, or socialize with prominent figures in society. Their perspective on happiness is to reverence a higher moral authority; to extend love and loyalty to family, friends, and associates; and to exercise integrity in business as fundamental imperatives of happiness, success, and successful living. The writers do not make any claim of training in psychology, sociology, or any of the other social science disciplines. Nevertheless, they recognize that a materially driven life may boost ones' lifestyle, but they contend that materialism is not fundamentally intrinsic to happiness. Discovering Your Optimum Happiness Index (OHI) is their way to engage peoples, communities, and nations, to inform of the intrinsic benefits of Optimum Happiness (OH) to human survival as a viable species. Read More Read Less