Ernest KinnieIf your judgment, taste, sense of humor, and belief systems are similar to mine you will love the books I've written. If not, read them anyway and expand what you can think, feel, become. I'm a cynical, free speech libertarian who laughs a lot and isa little crazy.I'm not much for political correctness, or the warm, self-righteous comfort of a Noble Cause. Too many Noble Lies. No safe spaces are provided, no trigger warnings will be given.I've carefully collected the most important things I have learned over my long life as a psychotherapist, professor, National Park Ranger, garbage collector, antique dealer, Army Sharpshooter, etc. My proudest accomplishment, at least the most fun, was writing the first fishing guide to Glacier National Park.I helped Janis, the daughter of a good friend, write and publish The Alice Trilogy. Alice is a super-smart, foul-mouthed brat and a student at UC Berkeley majoring in philosophy and psychology. She says what she thinks and couldn't care less if that bothers you.Her books are not for everyone. One woman even called her uncouth. Janis sent the lady a kindly note.----"I am so sorry I shocked you. Please accept my sincerest apology. You are so wonderfully sensitive and refined and I so regret exposing you to raw reality. Go watch a nice comedy on TV, and lady, I got plenty of couth!" Read More Read Less