Erkuden Rios

Erkuden RiosErkuden Rios received the B.S. and M.S. degree in telecommunication engineering from University of Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain, in 1997. In 2020 Erkuden has received a Ph.D. in multi-Cloud security assurance from University of Basque Country. Afterworking six years for Ericsson Spain, she is currently senior scientist of Cybersecurity research team of ICT Division in Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Derio, Spain. She is currently the coordinator of the Security WP in the H2020 ENACT project on Secure and Privacy-aware Smart IoT Systems as well as in the H2020 SPEAR project on Secure Smart Grids. Previously, she was the coordinator of the H2020 MUSA project on Multi-cloud Security as well as the chair of the Data Protection, Security and Privacy in Cloud Cluster of EU-funded research projects, launched by DG-CNECT in April 2015. (https: // Furthermore, she has worked in multiple large European and Spanish projects on cybersecurity and trust such as POSEIDON, PDP4E, TACIT, RISC, ANIKETOS, SWEPT, CIPHER and SHIELDS. Her main research interests include Trust and Security, Risk Management, and AI for Cybersecurity. Mrs. Erkuden collaborates with Technology Platforms and Forums such as Cybersecurity PPP ECSO, ETSI Secure Artificial Intelligence Working Group, AIOTI WG4 Policy and Privacy and the Spanish National Network on Cybersecurity. She has been member of Programme Committees of Journals and Conferences. Read More Read Less

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Secure and Trustworthy Service Composition37 %
Publisher: Springer
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05 Dec 2014
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Devops for Trustworthy Smart Iot Systems6 % NR
Publisher: Now Publishers
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12 Jul 2021
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