Eric G L Pinzelli

Eric G L PinzelliEric G L Pinzelli was raised in the wilds of Western Canada then attended the University of Provence. He is fluent in English, French, Portuguese and Italian and was trained in Intercomprehension by the now defunct Latin Union while working for the Aliance française in Brazilian Amazonia. He served in the French Marines in the early 1990s. Military history, geopolitics and archaeology are his main passions. In 1998 he was given the Military History Award as the best Military research work of the year in French Language and in 2003 he completed his PhD. Student of the late Daniel Panzac, he specialized in 17th - 18th centuries military history, in particular naval and siege warfare and the epic conflicts opposing the Ottoman Empire against Venice, Austria, the Papacy, Poland and Russia. Read More Read Less

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