Eric EngleHe wants to help you get good grades in law school, pass the bar exam, learn Chinese, sharpen your memory, and strengthen your intellect so we can build an inclusive global community of tolerance, peace, and prosperity for all. TRUSTWORTHY & AUTHORIATIVE. Dr. Eric Engle LL.M. JD (St. Louis), DEA (Paris II, Mention) DEA Paris X, LL.M.Eur., Dr.Jur. (Bremen), LL.M. (Humboldt). Taught law in France, Germany, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine and Bosnia. Fulbright law specialist, scores of law review articles, a dozen or more books. Polyglot: English, French, German, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Estonian. Worked at Harvard law school as a paid legal researcher. Interests: Law, Economics, Languages, Memory, AI, taxation, stocks. THE ORIGIN: I love justice, so I teach Law. I grew up on the border of French Canada in a German household, so I speak English, French and German fluently. This is what made me so interested in world affairs. I learned Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Estonian. My favorite authors are Aristotle, Sun Tzu, Hobbes, Orwell, Burgess, Huxley. Stalin and Mao, unlike Marx, write very well. I read Locke and Rousseau but don't agree with some of their ideas or their writing style. Nietzsche is a shameful indulgence. I write about law, politics, economics, poetry, and literature, especially Chinese literature. I won a couple of Fulbright research and teaching grants, and worked as a research aid at Harvard Law School. I taught law in France, Germany, Estonia, Russia, Bosnia and Ukraine. I'm really into languages and law, especially international aspects of law thus also politics, history, geography. I wanted to see the world, and did. Here's your chance to see the world through my words. eMail: Keywords: Law, Recht, Droit, Derecho, Prawo, Contracts, Vertragsrecht, contrats, Zivilrecht, droit civil, code civil, BGB, Constitution, Verfassung, Treaty, Convention, Voelkerrecht, Ius Gentium, droit des gens, law of nations, EU law, EU, European Union, UN, ONU, United Nations, Corporate Law, Gesellschaftsrecht, Droit des societes, Finanzrecht, Corporate Finance, Capital markets law, Kapitalmarktrecht, Chinese, Zhongwen, 中文,中国, China, Politics, Economics, Political Science, tax law, droit fiscal, Steuerrecht Read More Read Less