Enas Mohammed Alqodsi

Enas Mohammed AlqodsiEnas AlQodsi is an Assistant Professor of Private Law at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU). She holds a Ph.D. in Private Law from the University of Cairo in Egypt and boasts extensive experience in both academia and legal practice. In her prvious roles, Dr. AlQodsi served as a faculty coordinator at Abu Dhabi University's Faculty of Law and worked as a legal advisor at the Supreme Court of the Supreme Judicial Council in Palestine. In the latter role, she provided legal opinions on various issues and prepared legal memoranda, Dr. AlQodsi's dedication and contributions to her field have been recognized with the Community Service Award from the Faculty of Law at Abu Dhabi University for the academic year 2019/2020, as well as the Teaching Award for 2020-2021 from the University of Abu Dhabi. These accolades reflect her diligent efforts and dedication to advancing the university's mission. Her research primarily focuses on civil law, particularly in areas such as civil responsibility law, contracts, and original and consequential rights in kind. Her scholarly work has been published in numerous esteemed international journals and has been presented at several conferences worldwide. Notably, Dr. AlQodsi has authored several publications, including: A study titled "Islamic Commercial Arbitration and Private International Law: Mapping Controversies and Exploring Pathways Towards Greater Coordination," published in Humanities & Social Sciences Communications in 2023 (Indexed in SCOPUS Q1). A comparative study titled "A systematic review and meta-analysis of the interruption of the statute of limitations for civil claims: A comparative study of Arab legislations," published in Heliyon in 2023 (Indexed in SCOPUS Q1). A book chapter titled "Technology-Enhanced Legal Education: A Study of Its Impact on Student Learning Outcomes in the UAE," which is part of a Scopus-indexed book published in 2021. (Indexed in SCOPUS). Book Chapter titled" Legal protection of the right to education for people with special needs: Zayed higher organization for people of determination as a model" Inclusive Phygital Learning Approaches and Strategies for Students With Special Needs, 2023, pp. 199-213. (Indexed in SCOPUS). Book Chapter titled" Teacher civil liability in the case of breaching educational and control obligations" Restructuring Leadership for School Improvement and Reform, 2023, pp. 327-338 (Indexed in SCOPUS). An article titled "Tort law makes a quantum leap: A review of the civil liability regime for nuclear operators in UAE law," published in the Journal of Property, Planning, and Environmental Law in 2020 (Indexed in SCOPUS Q1 & WEB of SCIENCE). An article titled "Analyzing the Implementation of Usufruct Rights and Obligations in the UAE Civil Transactions Law: An Analytical Study," published in the International Journal of Criminal Justice Science in 2021 (Indexed in SCOPUS Q3). An article titled "The Right to Pre-Contractual Information in E-Commerce Consumer Contracts: UAE Law and Comparative Perspectives," published in the Journal of Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues in 2021 (Indexed in SCOPUS Q2). Dr. Enas AlQodsi's impactful research and dedication to legal scholarship contribute significantly to the field of law, both in the UAE and on the international stage. Read More Read Less

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Legal Frameworks and Educational Strategies for Sustainable Development43 % NR
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Legal Frameworks and Educational Strategies for Sustainable Development43 % NR
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