Emma Doyle

Emma DoyleCoach Emma Doyle grew up in Melbourne, Australia and from a very early age, she loved playing all kinds of sports. She especially enjoyed playing cricket and Australian Rules football in the backyard, kicking the ball to herself and playing with and gainst imaginary opponents - it was a magical time. She also spent some of her formative years in the United Kingdom, rushing home after school to play with the kids in the street, and inviting them to kick a soccer ball past her goalkeeping hands. It wasn't until Emma returned to Australia that she picked up a tennis racquet for the first time and she began to fall in love with her chosen sport of tennis. She played competitively at a local and State level before earning a division 1 US College Scholarship with Middle Tennessee State University. Emma believes that her early coordination skills and multi-sport experiences allowed her to maximize her genetic and athletic potential. This is a philosophy that she encourages all parents to embrace rather than specializing in one sport too early. Despite not playing at a professional level, Emma has represented Australia on twenty occasions as the Coach of numerous junior teams. She believes that igniting curiosity and coordination in children from an early age is one of the secrets to success in building happy, healthy and confident kids. Emma is a sought-after keynote speaker, coach and mentor combining her background as a High-Performance Tennis Coach with Corporate Coaching in the workplace. Emma has been coaching since she was fourteen years of age and her mission is to inspire, improve and impact everyone she meets unleashing human potential. Read More Read Less

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What Makes a Great Coach?25 % NR
Publisher: Open Door Press
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18 Aug 2022
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What Do I Wear on My Feet to Play Tennis26 % NR
Publisher: Emma Doyle
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19 Jul 2022
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