Emily June Ellis

Emily June EllisWriting has always been such a beautiful escape in Emily's world. She has traveled and traveled yet found traveling within has been her greatest adventure. She loves exploring with words and expressing her inner belief in poems. People and things tha surround her are always loving creatures that she takes precious time to nourish. She is so happy and fulfilled creating positive stories and bringing them to life with elements of nature, magic, love, and adventure as her heart pours into every text of each book. Sentences come through inspiration that lives within and soars without. Emily feels like she's traveled through lifetimes of patterns and claims her goal is to be open with all her feelings and lessons. She has learned that the mystery we're all searching for is love, and it is found when we surrender to what's around and above. Emily June Ellis hopes her books dance with your imaginations and awaken a playful stir in all the tiny seekers' hearts out there! From ages 1 to 101! Read More Read Less

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Boy and His KingdomNR
Publisher: Emily June Ellis
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06 Dec 2019
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It's a Beautiful Day!1 % NR
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02 Nov 2018
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