Emily Buehler

Emily BuehlerAs a child, Emily Buehler wanted to be an artist, but she ended up studying chemistry. She completed graduate school and then became a bread baker, where she quickly noticed how much chemistry is involved in making bread. Teaching bread-making classe, where students responded enthusiastically to discussions of science, inspired Emily to write Bread Science, a book about the science and craft of baking, written in understandable language. She realized her childhood inklings had been correct, and she was meant to be a writer.Emily's second book, Somewhere and Nowhere, is a memoir of a bicycle trip from New Jersey to Oregon that explores the benefits of living in the present moment. Self-help author Ragini Michaels describes the book as "An enjoyable and worthy read for anyone interested in living a more balanced and happy life."Emily is currently writing fiction in a cross-genre that she calls "cozy fantasy romance." She publishes fiction under her middle name, Jane. She also copyedits academic papers and fiction writing. She advocates for self-publishing and welcomes the new opportunities authors have in the digital age. Emily still travels by bicycle. Her favorite things include letters sent through the mail, Made-in-the-USA knee socks, and very dark Fair Trade chocolate. She is also passionate about living waste-free. Read More Read Less

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Bread Science2 % NR
Publisher: Two Blue Books
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01 Sep 2021
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