Emilio Ángel Lome
Emilio Ángel Lome es un escritor, compositor e investigador de arte y cultura infantil y juvenil. Nacido en Iguala, Guerrero, ha ganado premios como el Premio Bellas Artesde Cuento Infantil y el Premio Nacional de Periodismo. Sus obras, que incluyen cuentos, poesía y teatro infantil, son reconocidas por su creatividad y sensibilidad. Actualmente, reside en San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, donde continúa inspirando a nuevas generaciones.
Emilio Ángel Lome is a writer, composer, and researcher of children's and youth art and culture. Born in Iguala, Guerrero, he has won awards such as the Bellas Artes Award for Children's Storytelling and the National Journalism Award. His works, including stories, poetry, and children's theater, are renowned for their creativity and sensitivity. He currently resides in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, where he continues to inspire new generations.
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