Emil Sher Emil Sher a grandi à Montréal. Il a enseigné dans une école secondaire au Botswana et aujourd'hui, il écrit des livres pour enfants, des scénarios, des pièces dethéâtre et des livres documentaires. Son premier roman, Young Man wth Camera, a été mis en nomination pour le Prix du Gouverneur général. Il a adapté au théâtre l'oeuvre à succès de Karen Levine, La valise d'Hana. Cette pièce a été jouée dans toute l'Amérique du Nord et en Israël. Emil vit à Toronto avec sa famille. EMIL SHER writes prose and plays for the young and the once-were-young. His first novel, Young Man with Camera, was published by Scholastic in Fall 2015 and has received numerous awards and honours. Emil is a laureate of the 2014 K.M. Hunter Artist Award in Literature. His picture book Mittens to Share, illustrated by Irene Luxbacher, was published in 2016. Emil has written the stage play adaptations of Hana's Suitcase by Karen Levine and The Boy in the Moon by Ian Brown, and the script and lyrics for a stage musical of Roch Carrier's The Hockey Sweater. He was also the writer for The Book of Ashes, inspired by the true story of an Iraqi librarian who saved tens of thousands of books in the midst of war, which premiered at the International Children's Festival in St. Albert, Alberta, in spring 2016. Emil lives in Toronto, Ontario. Visit him at www.emilsher.com. Read More Read Less
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