Ellen Yack

Ellen YackEllen Yack M.Ed., B.Sc.OT, OT Reg.(Ont.) is an occupational therapist who possesses a unique combination of expertise in the areas of clinical work, consultation, education and public speaking. Ellen has practiced as an occupational therapist since 179 and has a Masters Degree in Education. She is internationally recognized for her expertise in sensory processing and autism spectrum disorders. Ellen's other areas of expertise include developmental coordination disorder, global developmental delay, attention deficit disorders and learning disabilities. She is one of the co-authors of Building Bridges Through Sensory Integration: Occupational Therapy for Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders which won a Teachers Choice Award for Best Special Education Classroom Resource. Ellen is also a contributor to the book Children, Youth and Adults with Asperger Syndrome. Read More Read Less

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Building Bridges Through Sensory Integration21 % NR
Publisher: Sensory Focus LLC
5.0 (7)
09 Jun 2015
International Edition
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