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Ellen Rogo

Ellen RogoEllen Rogo is currently a professor in the Department of Dental Hygiene at Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, and was previously an associate professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University College of Dental Medicine, Division of Dental Hygiene.She has been a dental hygiene educator for more than 40 years, with administrative leadership positions as the coordinator of a degree-completion program and department chairperson. Her experience includes teaching courses in research methodology and evidence-based practice to undergraduate students as well as supervising dental hygiene research, literature analysis and synthesis, and thesis research for graduate students. Dr. Rogo also mentors graduate students and faculty in their research, grant-writing, and manuscript-preparation endeavors. Her accomplishments include numerous national and international presentations and publications in a variety of professional journals. In addition, she has authored several book chapters and has received a number of research grants. Dr. Rogo has designed, conducted, and published quantitative and qualitative research investigations on clinical and educational topics. Read More Read Less

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Evidence-Based Practice For Health Professionals
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25 Feb 2020
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Evidence Based Practice for Health Professionals
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