Elizabeth Helen Rose

Elizabeth Helen RoseHer full name fills a mouth - Elizabeth Helen Rose Niemoczynski Schaarschmidt. Hence the pruned name for publishing. Elizabeth is a bi-lingual, born of Polish refugee Nazi and Gulag labor camp survivors in 1948. As a youngster she lived in the Polishsection of South Bronx, attending St. Adalbert's Catholic School till 5th grade. When the family of 8 moved to Oxford, NJ, she went to White Township Elementary and Phillipsburg Catholic High School. In 1967 she met the love of her life on a blind date -- then Corporal Allen Schaarschmidt, just back from Vietnam, a USMC double-purple heart almost-amputee who walked with a cane. They married, had two beautiful daughters and a personal experience with God. After Allen graduated from United Wesleyan College, in theology, they founded Blessed Hope Church of the Nazarene in Phillipsburg NJ where Allen became the pastor. The year was 1980. Elizabeth went on to study voice and piano at United Wesleyan and became the church's Music Director. Years later, when she could no longer play the piano, she accepted her husband's invitation to be Ministry Director. Elizabeth is a devoted Pastor's wife, loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She is a dedicated and much-loved ministry, youth and worship leader. Her Sunday morning reflections, spiritual lessons taken from everyday life, stir up both laughter and tears. Her life scripture is Psalm 84:5-7 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baka [tears], they make it a place of springs...They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. To her pain, her daily companion, she says Thank You. She often drinks cold coffee because she's too busy prattling about, dictating thoughts into her laptop, working on her purpose, shoving pain out of the way. Read More Read Less

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