Elizabeth Goodhue

Elizabeth GoodhueElizabeth Goodhue is a freelance writer and blogger. When challenging a student to publish her work on a blog, Elizabeth started one called ecgpoetry.blogspot.com. Since then she has written a blog about living and teaching in Mexico, and another abot living and working in Kuala Lumpur. In Kuala Lumpur, she started her blog thetruthaboutdownsyndrome, which hatched into her memoir The Truth about Down Syndrome: Lessons Learned from Raising a Son with Trisomy-21. Her book is a series of vignettes about raising her son William, now 31 years old. It weaves their lives together and provides insight into her experience and growth as a mother, educator, and advocate. Read More Read Less

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True Story of Saint Nicholas37 % NR
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01 Nov 1997
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