Eleyse Morgan

Eleyse MorganEllie grew up on art. While packing her 'runaway napsack' at the age of 5, she included only art supplies (no food or additional clothing), and proceeded to sit on her driveway in a pile of paints, crayons, and papers, beaming at her good fortune. Sh started painting with watercolors at age seven and explored acrylics and canvas as a teen. Art has always been something special for Ellie- a passion she dedicates patience, time, and spirit to. A contributing artist for the annual Valentines for AIDS fundraiser at local Boise coffee house, Flying M, Ellie loves using her creativity to promote causes that she cares about. While in college, Ellie met Walkyria, and the two of them often decompressed at the Flying M, Walkyria writing and Ellie drawing. Over kettles of tea and indie music, a friendship blossomed and held strong through growing pains, time, distance, crazy ideas, and their first (and hopefully only) global pandemic! ​ When Ellie is not daydreaming, sketching, or making a mess, she stays busy with her day job in Public Health. Between the hours of 8-5, her brain is zero'd in on infectious diseases, statistics, and health education. Right now for Ellie, art time is a treasure, the crowned jewel of her many passions. Someday, when the light hits life's circumstances just right, she will start her own art business and let the spark ignite. Until then, she is so grateful to be included as the Doodlebug for Walkyria's poetry book- relax, enjoy, and drift away! Read More Read Less

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