Eldon R ReneEldon R. Rene is Senior Lecturer at IHE-Delft, Institute of Water Education, The Netherlands. He has a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Madras (India). Eldon's broad research interests are related to the development of iological treatment processes for wastewater and waste-gas treatment, resource recovery, and the use of artificial intelligence tools for environmental monitoring and environmental process control. He is the Managing Editor of the journal ''Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology'', the Associate Editor of ''Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE)'' and the editorial board of ''Bioresource Technology Reports''. He has over 250 publications and conference communications, which include 2 books, 160 original and review papers, 26 book chapters, 10 journal special issues and 7 conference monographs. Eldon is the two time recipient of the ''Young Scientist Award'' conferred by the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering Conference (CESE) organizers in Sydney (Australia) and Kaohsiung (Taiwan), respectively. Previously, for his post-doctoral research stays, he was awarded the ''Juan de la Cierva'' fellowship by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), and the ''Brain Korea 20 (BK20) Fellowship'' from the South Korean government. For the years 2018 and 2019, he has recently been awarded the Research Fund for International Young Scientists by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). As a part of his educational campaign and capacity building activities on improving scientific writing skills for non-english speaking researchers, he regularly conducts scientific writing workshop at major conferences, especially, if they are held in developing countries. Since 2016, he has taught more than 700 MS, PhD students and young staff members during specialized events/workshops. He is also affiliated as a life member at the International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop). Read More Read Less
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