Elaine Merrikin Trimlett Glover

Elaine Merrikin Trimlett GloverElaine was born in Leicester in 1961 to Valerie Rose and Bernard Merrikin.
Bernard was the son of John Thomas Merrikin, whom this book is dedicated to.
Elaine has children and grandchildren, and she has recently married Adrian the Bishop of OAC in Christchurch Christian Centre, Jerusalem by Canon Andrew White the Vicar of Baghdad. Their Hebrew marriage certificate was signed with Andrew's green pen which was the same pen used to sign Saddam Hussein's death warrant by Chief Judge Raouf, who is also Elaine's friend.
Her love of English was inspired by her English teachers, Mr Page of Stonehill Secondary School in Birstall Leicester, and Mr Geoff Parker of Longslade Upper School also in Birstall Leicester. Both teachers were very key in her love for literature and prose.
Elaine is a believer in Yeshua Messiah and has been a missionary in Chungni Suna Migori Kenya, where she was involved with Girl-Child Education, Prison Ministry and Evangelism. Elaine was a key figure in looking after Mr Raouf and his family when he and his wife came to Southampton for operations in 2011. Mr Raouf was the Chief Judge in Saddam Hussein's trial and who sentenced him to death for war crimes against Halabja.
Elaine went to stay with the Raouf family in 2011, and visited the Vicar of Baghdad, Canon Andrew White and his team during her stay in Iraq. Elaine is the Bishop of the Cross Denominational Mission, and also of Makongeni Church Chungni.
Elaine is a radio presenter for Purbeck Coast Radio in Swanage, and Club Kingdom Radio in London. Amongst those she has interviewed is Canon Andrew White Vicar of Baghdad, retired Dorset Chief Constable James Vaughn, MP Desmond Swayne, MP Michael Tomlinson, Holocaust survivor Henry Schachter, Rolf Monteith and Vincent Marcroft of GLARAC Association.
She has been a journalist for many years and is keen to express her views to world leaders around the globe including the late Mikhail Gorbachev president of Russia who sent Elaine an application to live there. She has also written to people like Rev Ian Paisley, IRA terrorist Bobby Sands whilst he was on hunger strike in Long Kesh, N. Ireland, during his hunger strike, and Gangster Reggie Kray who sent her a reply with a typed letter. Elaine is a published author and a poet.
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