Edward L Pope

Edward L PopeEdward L. Pope Jr. was supposed to have been given away at birth to a lady who had agreed to take him to Texas and give him a better life than his mother could since she and his father were not married. But that didn't happen, and his mama and daddy id get married. He grew up in neighborhoods where he was forced to defend himself against some really bad people. He learned to survive and thrive, graduating from the local technical college, and earning his BS in management from the University of Phoenix. Born very nearsighted, Edward wore coke-bottle glasses most of his life, but that never held him back. In a few cases it was even a blessing. Most of his life he worked as a mechanic and a millwright machinist, and for the past six years he has been a safety coordinator in a manufacturing plant. He has been married three times-two good and one a rotten pecan. Win some, lose some. He has two children and three grands. His first wife he lost to a long battle with cancer. Second wife was a mistake, and now he is married to a wife who takes good care of him. He lives a simple life with his wife, an old yellow house cat, a red-boned coon hound, and several chickens. He and his wife garden and they can their own vegetables, living in a peaceable way with all. Edward has lived every story in this collection. It has taken a lifetime to get to this point and he ain't done yet, hoping to live another 50 years so he can keep on experiencing life and being productive in his community. Read More Read Less

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Eddie's Life5 % NR
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A Future of Faith34 % NR
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