Edward L JamesEdward L. James, Ed. S. has dedicated the last 35 years of his life to the education profession with the last 28 years dedicated solely to the field of school counseling. He spent 5 years in the elementary/junior high setting and 23 years at the highschool level. He received his degrees from Georgia Southern College. Edward is active in professional organizations both local and national. He is a member of the American School Counselors Association, Georgia School Counselors Association, National Tech Prep Network, and Professional Association of Georgia Educators. Presently, Edward is a high school counselor who is committed to school-wide advisement and middle to secondary school transition. He is skilled in developing needs assessments, program goals/objectives, and implementation strategies. Edward has served as a consultant for a number of schools in developing comprehensive adviser/advisee programs and he is deeply involved with the High Schools That Work reform model created by the Southern Regional Education Board. Edward's knowledge, motivation, professionalism, and expertise make him an excellent co-author for Best Practices for Effective Secondary School Counselors.
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